Loved this, Grace. Good memories seem to be inextricably tied to lightheartedness. It's almost as if the memory itself shifts to the background, leaving the center stage to the carelessness of the moment and the "relaxation into being". And that's what makes us feel good. Marvellous piece.

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Silvio, thank you! :)

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This is a great reflection, Grace. Life wisdom in one sentence: “So much of the goodness in life is just relaxing into being.”

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Thank you so much Eric!

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Love how you articulated the feelings of letting go and just being. Also love the photo, its so dreamy!

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Thanks Elizabeth! I'm trying to incorporate more of my own photos. :)

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To more moments like Tracy had ‘she found a moment worth dying for instead’

Thank you for articulating the feelings that are challenging to express.

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Thank you, Kelly! And yes, to more moments like Tracy, indeed.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Grace Capobianco

"God is greater than your fear will ever be." This is one of the reasons I love to read good writers, because their thoughtfulness and self-observation lead them to write whole articles that lead to one bedrock statement of truth that cuts through all the pretense and noise. Thank you for writing this down in black and while. It is very timely. I have been working with this exact inner struggle, watching fear win, only because I'm forgetting that even my greatest fears are arising and subsiding in the field of God. I am finding that practicing something different is a very bodily and visceral process, requiring the kind of letting go physically, emotionally, mentally that you describe in your article. Which is why stories like this that get down to the details of having sand in your toes are so useful, because they speak to the body and the potential and longing that's inside all of us for letting go.

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Rick, thank you!! What beautiful insight.

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